Isla Rabida

Rabida Island (Isla Rabida), also known as Jervis Island, is a small island south of Santiago, and best known for its red sand and eroded volcanic landscape.The high amount of iron contained in the lava at Rabida give a distinctive red color to the sand of its beach. Flamingos and white-cheeked pintail ducks live in a salt water lagoon close to the beach, where brown pelicans and boobies have built their nests. Nine species of finches have been reported in this island.

A nesting colony of pelicans makes its home here, along with sea lions and some seabirds. Snorkeling along the rocks at the east end of the beach may reveal many of the reef fish common to these waters, and the ever-present sea lions.

Excursion options include a zodiac ride and short walk, swimming and snorkeling from the beach, and a deepwater snorkel for more experienced snorkelers. This is a wet landing.